Youth Development
Our vision is to have youth involvement in neighborhood revitalization and decision-making.
Youth Council
The CRCAA Youth Council is a youth-led coalition of young people ages 13-20 years old who work together as community advocates, closely in connection with local government and community leaders. The Youth Council convenes weekly on Monday evening from 4-6pm at Detroit Impact. Our focus is to empower youth to refine their leadership skills and become agents of positive impactful change in Cody Rouge.
Cody Community Leadership/Community Development Curriculum @ Cody
The Cody Community Leadership initiative is designed to illuminate the community development career field to current high school students. Participants learn about what community development is, why it’s necessary, and the career fields involved in the work. Curriculum is taught once a week in a Cody High honors English class of 20 students. The initiative is instrumental in creating a pipeline for students to become more aware and involved in community development work.
The Cody Calm Center (C3)
The Cody Calm Center, or C3, is a wellness room designated for teens to have a space to relax, recenter and realign their mind. This center provides many different activities and experiences that calm the mind and the body specifically for young people. This space came to be when the founders of the project, the Cody Rouge Youth Council, realized there was really no place for youth to focus on mental health in comfort in the Cody Rouge area. Now with C3, young people have the opportunity to focus on their mind’s health with meditation, yoga, a therapists directory, fidgets, and much more. We welcome all teens to come and relax at C3!
High H.O.P.E.S.
The CRCAA’s specialized career development and job readiness program, High H.O.P.E.S. (Helping Others Prepare for Success), focuses on increasing a multitude of skills, strengths, and protective factors for youth. Youth participants will receive career development and job readiness training in small groups with peers facilitated by a Program Assistant using evidence-based curricula for two hours per week. Youth will also be provided with additional one-on-one coaching weekly with youth, depending on their specific needs. Youth will be connected to meaningful work experiences by placing them in Cody Rouge neighborhood organizations, businesses, and other enrichment programs.
Grow Detroit's Young Talent (GDYT)
For more than ten years, CRCAA has been listed as a leading agency with Grow Detroit Young Talent (GDYT). As a lead agency, CRCAA has been able to provide hands-on work experience for youth between the ages of 14-24. During a 6-week period between the months of July and August, our youth department not only provides workshops related to financial literacy, career/job prep, college readiness, and life skills, but we monitor other worksites as well. Nearly 170 youth participate in the paid program (GDYT) on an annual basis. To enroll and receive hands-on work experience, youth must be between the ages of 14-24 and reside in the city of Detroit.
Model D / Voices of Youth
In October of 2022, CRCAA youth department partnered with Model D to encourage teens to explore the world of journalism- “Voices of Youth”. With this paid opportunity, our youth are able to tell their personal stories through several outlets: journalism, essay writing, poetry, and photography. Participating youth meet on a biweekly basis with a professional artist (writer and/or photographer) to discuss content and outlining.
For additional information regarding youth development, please contact
Mr. Darrell Hall – Youth Director